Is it time to ditch the chemicals and toxins for GOOD? Help your family live a natural lifestyle without smelling like a “hippy”. Learn how to easily stretch your budget with do-it-yourself recipes that actually work! This and more you will learn when you join with the Oil Vibe and become a part of our thriving community of like minded people who are taking health into their own hands.
We have FUN. We have Purpose. We have a strong community. We are diverse and we love to get jiggy with natural wellness.
Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit: 11 Essential Oils to Use Everyday!
This starter kit is packed full of all the essential oils you need to get started with in your home. Filled with essential oils plus a diffuser to smell them all, you’ll also get the ability to learn from me how to:
- Make your own beauty and personal care products
- Find the safest and most effective oils to use in any situation
- Save money with all natural and non-toxic remedies and 24% off retail prices
- Protect your family from hidden toxins
- Become confident in supporting your healthy body everyday
- Get your oils and supplements paid for so you can achieve vibrant wellness in all aspects of your life
- Access to our thriving private Facebook groups
- Think it is impossible to learn how to use essential oils? Think again!
By ordering this in essential oils Premium Starter Kit, you’ll get:
- 10 5ml bottles of our exclusive essential oil blends and single oils: Lavender, Lemon Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, Frankincense, Copaiba Vitality, Thieves Vitality, PanAway, R.C., Purification, DiGize Vitality
- A DIFFUSER to smell them all. You get 3 different Diffuser options to choose from: The MOST gorgeous spa experience and my favorite is the Aria, the Rainstone (my favorite for my bedroom), or the DewDrop or Home diffuser
- A 2016 Product Guide
- Bonus 5ml bottle of Stress Away
- AromaGlide Roller Fitment (you can put this roller ball on any of our 5ml or 15ml bottles and they last forever!)
- 2 packets of Ningxia Red
- 10 Mini dram bottles for samples
- 10 Sample packets of oil (including a sample of Peace & Calming!)
- 10 product usage cards with a place to attach a sample
- A vibrant support community for members only to empower your health choices
- My welcome gift to you filled with resources and some samples of many of my DIY recipes from my blog
- Enjoy 24% off retail prices FOREVER as an active member
- The ability to earn points on everything you order to support your wellness goals via our frequent buyer’s club
Signing Up As A Young Living Wholesale Member
- Sign up here to get started. I will email you back with more information.
- Signing up – Select “Sign Up As: Young Living Wholesale Member”
- Enroller and Sponsor – The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should already be auto-populated for you. (If for some reason it is not, enter 1403175 in both boxes)
- Select your Premium Starter Kit. This is where you can specify which starter kit you would like (and you know I think the Premium Kit is the way to go!). You also get to pick which diffuser you would like with your kit. You must sign up with one of these kits to become a Wholesale Member. You can also purchase other items at this time if you wish. Young Living does not have any contracts, monthly minimum purchases, or annual fees. Nothing like that. It truly is risk free to add these amazing oils to your life.
- Set up your *optional* Essential Rewards Program. As a Young Living wholesale member, you also have the option to join our frequent buyer’s club called Essential Rewards. I find it is best to chip away and make these simple swaps each month on Essential Rewards. Why? Because the ER club allows me to accumulate reward points that I can redeem for free products! I also get a cheaper flat rate on shipping when I order via Essential Rewards.
- Agree to Terms & Conditions.
- Personal Information – Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact information. (The reason you are asked to list your social security number is for tax purposes. If you make over $600/year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living will never share this info with anyone.)
- Username, Password and Pin – Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.
- CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. I have had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out. To confirm, the tool will log you in and it will show you your order again and it will make you enter in your payment information again. We wouldn’t want that to happen because then you would not get your oils!
That’s it! Easy peasy! Welcome to the amazingly healthy, addictive world of essential oils!
Getting started FAQ
Make sure to contact me once you get started so I can make sure to add you to my member’s only Facebook group and other support resources!